Banana and Turmeric
Health advised mashing half a ripe banana, mixing with coconut or almond "milk" non-dairy yogurt and stirring in a tablespoon of turmeric, smearing it on your face (ok, they didn't say "smear") and leaving it on 10 minutes. The potassium in the banana is supposed to slow the growth of blemish-causing bacteria and the turmeric supposedly curbs oil production. Two comments: yogurt is MESSY and overly ripe bananas smell terrible so my advice is don't go too ripe and less is more insofar as the yogurt. A thin sheen worked fine for me. My skin definitely felt tight and smooth and refreshed afterwards.
Lemon Juice and Cinnamon
For this one, Health said grab your coconut or almond "milk" non-dairy yogurt and stir in 1 tablespoon each of lemon juice and and "a dash" of cinnamon. I am not sure what "a dash" is, so I did 1 tablespoon of everything and may have over-cinnamon'd but it worked fine. Same comment as above regarding less is more with the yogurt. You leave this one on 15 minutes and remove with a washcloth and warm water. It's supposed to increase circulation and make you glow. I'm not sure about the circulation but my skin felt soft and nice after I tried it so I would probably try it again.
Avocado and Olive Oil
Aak! OK., this one did NOT work for me but I bet it would be fine for those with very, very dry or mature skin. You mash up half an avocado into your coconut or almond "milk" non-dairy yogurt and add a tablespoon of olive oil, put it on your face for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. I felt like I had an oily, messy face and the avocado kept falling off in clumps. Maybe you have to lie down and be very still while wearing this one. This was way over moisturizing for me. I tried it a day later with the rest of my avocado and grape seed oil instead of olive oil, and it was less oily but the avocado was still messy. I'm "eh" on this one. Let me know if you try it and you like it.