If I gave you a bottle of weed killer or bottle of insecticide and told you to drink it, you’d tell me to go to someplace not very nice, wouldn’t you? So, why are you eating food awash in that gunk? Stop. I want you to live a healthy life. You want to live a healthy life. Go organic.
Also, for those looking to whittle their waistlines: guess what? Toxins like those mentioned above are stored in your fat tissues and, if you consume too much, guess what your body does? Makes MORE FAT to store those toxins. Yup. Makes more fat just as a little gift to you along with that increased risk o’ cancer! That’s according to an NIH study, among other sources. Not “Fake News”! Unless you feel like getting sick and fat, the best thing to do is go organic. According to the British Journal of Nutrition, organic produce has 70% more antioxidants (yay! Anti-aging!) than conventionally grown produce and study after study after study shows eating organic can slash your risk of a whole host of health problems, such as cancer.[8]
The downside is organic can be more expensive. Many of us joke “Whole Foods Whole Paycheck.” That being said, a great way to get less expensive organic produce is by using local farmer’s markets. It’s also a great way to support local, organic fruit, vegetable and grain farmers who are improving our planet through responsible organic farming. Just google “organic farmer’s markets in [insert name of your city]” and you should get a whole host of results.